Monday, April 20, 2009

Well Hello There!

I have to admit, I really actually don't have the time to stop and document major (or minor) occurrences in my life, but I want to.. and so I will.

For those of you who haven't heard, I am officially a college graduate now, and I'm living back in Rock Hill with the cutest little Chihuahua God ever did create. I like to think of her as my only child, and now I know how those weird pet people get to be so weird! I haven't created a room just for her yet, but believe me... If Kyle would let me, it would already have been done! She, in fact is the most spoiled dog that I know.. and I know a good many!

It is still so hard for me to adjust to this "adult" lifestyle. I want to schedule work like I scheduled my classes.. definitely not before 9:00 a.m. and enough breaks throughout the day to take a good healthy nap and a quick run or two to Starbucks! Also, no one knows how hard it is to get ready in the morning and not have three other girls in your room to approve your outfit selection of the day and to tell you whether or not your makeup has approached clown status. Those really were the days!!!

I guess growing up isn't all bad either though. Kyle and I will have been dating for 2 full years on May 5th, and things really couldn't get much better for us! He is a reminder every day of what wonderful blessings God can bestow on us if we will let him, and I've truly never been happier or more in love than I am now!

We acuired a townhome last September and I've been working on making it a home ever since. It has really come a long way, besides the minor set back from Chloe' when she decided to chew a pipe and flood the master bathroom upstairs and the kitchen downstairs. Despite all the damage though, Kyle didn't make me get rid of her, and for that I'm grateful (.. and she is too!!!).

We have become members of a truly awesome church in Rock Hill and I've been working with the worship team for almost a year now. After MANY visits to other churches we found our home here, and we're really excited about getting more involved and witnessing the great things that God has in store for us!

The weather is getting warmer and summer is well on its way! I'm looking forward to the sunshine and the wonderful tan I will be maintaining throughout the next couple of months. I have two more weddings before I officially retire from my bridesmaid career, and then all of my best friends will be in the Mrs. club. After that, there will be only ONE wedding that I will be looking forward to.. and for that one, I just can't wait! :)

I'll try to update more soon, but I'm afraid my brain is done for the day! ;)

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