Monday, February 8, 2010

So it turns out... we're NOT nerds after all!

What a weekend! It was so nice just to get away with friends, relax, and not have a plan. The downside? I think I ate more over the weekend than I did in the whole month of January!!! Oh well, I guess that is what spin class is for! :-) All in all, I would say that Kyle had a pretty good birthday. We did get to taste our wines... and there was not even one gay sweater in sight! Lindsey made the cutest birthday cake that looked like a poker table with cards and chips on the top. Might I add that it was delicious? -- Yes, I actually ate some!

For his birthday, I continued the season of How I Met Your Mother, and I even bought him a poster that was created from the show. It is one of those inspirational posters that you would typically hang in your office and it says: "AWESOMENESS- When I get sad, I stop being sad... and I start being AWESOME!" We both love it.. and he actually asked me for it for his birthday (which he forgot about until I told him I got it for him). Funny how I benefit from his birthday presents... Selfish? Probably so.

Onward and upward!

Okay, so I'm not sure if this is a sudden or gradual change that takes place in the mind/heart of every engaged lady, but I feel more and more married every day. I guess maybe it is the realization of actually getting married and not thinking of you as only one person any longer, but I consider Kyle before making ANY decisions these days. It is CRAZY! If I go to the grocery store, I'm buying 1% milk because I'm afraid that if he gets hungry while at my house, he won't put skim milk in his cereal. Then that prompts me to buy a few extra snacks for him just in case. I've already started shedding layers of my closet to make room for him when he moves in. We're not getting married for another 8 1/2 months!!! Am I nuts? I guess when you are just dating someone you think of them as your boyfriend. You're not really responsible for them, nor them you. You don't share expenses, food, or your house with each other, I suppose you are still pretty independent. But... when you get engaged (or in my case anyway), everything kind of starts to blend together without even realizing it. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE it! It feels like everything is falling right into place. I guess I just didn't realize that it could get any better; that we could get any closer. I'm starting to actually feel like I'm half of one whole if that makes sense. It's great! :)

Oh well... I suppose we'll just have to wait and see!

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