Monday, April 26, 2010

We Get Our Engagement Pictures Back Today!!!

I'm not exactly sure when or even how, but somehow I feel like at some point my life started to revolve around wedding plans! What in the world am I going to do when all of this is over? Um... I think I'll need to find a hobby... QUICK!!!

We are finally finished meeting with all of our vendors... **sigh** and we don't really have too much going on for the next month or so with the exception of our save-the-date cards. I'm still not sure what I want to do there, but hopefully we'll find some really cute engagement pictures to use. After that we shouldn't have too much to do other than pick out some decorations and order our invitations.

We started our pre-marital counseling sessions about two weeks ago. We were both pretty skeptical going into it (although I didn't voice my opinions to the counselors like my counterpart), but we were both pleasantly surprised. We really like our counselors and they seem to suit our style pretty well. I can't say that we've learned a whole lot yet, but I do enjoy talking with them and Kyle. So far I'm still on board to get married, but we've only had two sessions so I'll have to keep you posted! ;)

In other news my parents just celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary! 26 YEARS!!! I think it is wonderful. I can only hope that our marriage will be as great as theirs has been. I made them a little mini cake to celebrate too. I'll post pictures later if I can remember to do it.

Today is Monday, and like all Mondays I am sad that I even got out of the bed to come to work. Why do I have to work again? Why can't I be one of those hot little wives that just goes to the gym and get massages all the time. Oh to be a Real Housewife of Orange County!!! ** Sigh** I'm so jealous!

Kyle and I have a pretty big anniversary coming up! On May 5th (Cinco De Mayo) we will have been together for 3 FULL YEARS!!! No breaking up. No breaks. No itches. Nothing. I can't even believe it myself. Boy have we defied the odds!

Somehow just recently it has finally hit me that I am a Bride. No  I have to start doing Bride things like diet and try to get tiny so I can look hot in my wedding dress and on my honeymoon in a bathing suit. Now I'm a pretty healthy eater and all anyway and I work out at least once or twice a week, but I've been taking it pretty easy on myself until oh, say, about a week ago! Then it hit me like a ton of bricks!!! I. AM. A. BRIDE!!!!!!!

Needless to say I have kicked it into overdrive and am fully determined to become that hot little bride with 0 arm fat hanging over the sides of her dress and a toned little body in that "just married" bikini! :)

I think I can... I think I can... I think I can... I think I can...


  1. lol, hey nut! You already have a hobby for when your wedding is over...taking care of kyle!! haha..really, I meant CAKES! duh.
    **sigh** I'm right there w/ you when it comes to mondays!!! I'm ALWAYS depressed on Mondays!

  2. Hey lady! You are going to be an amazing, gorgeous bride! No worries there. ;)
    Congrats to both you & Kyle and your parents on the anniversaries!
    Love ya...
