Thursday, December 30, 2010

The time has come, my little friends... to talk of other things...

Like New Year's Resolutions!!!

I'm not usually one for making resolutions, because I already know that I'm not going to keep them... at least not after the first couple of months into the year. But this year is different. I don't have a wedding to plan anymore for one, and it feel like it might be time to make a few small changes... just little tiny eency weency ones at least.

1. I need to shed a few lbs. I have realized that weight is not your friend as you grow older. I don't ever recall having to fight so hard to keep those pesky little pounds off of my hips, and thighs, and stomach... and well... everywhere!!! Okay, okay, I will admit that I probably have allowed a few of them to creep up with all of my post-wedding dress, holiday eating habits.. but weight beware! I will get rid of you!!!

2. I want to really focus this year on the future. I feel like I have allowed myself to fall into this rut where I'm not sure what I want to be or what I want to do anymore. I feel like I'm just living life one day at a time with no plan or purpose. I want to change that. I want to make some goals for myself and work really hard at reaching them. I want to live my life with the confidence that I'm right in the center of God's will. :)

3. I want for Kyle and I to try to save some $$. You never know when you are going to need a few extra dollars, and I want to feel confident that it is there when we need it. You know, in case of emergencies... like when I see a pair of shoes that I HAVE TO OWN!!! (just kidding)

4. I'm going to focus a lot on my relationship with God. Don't get me wrong, I love Him with all that I am, but I feel like there are always areas of improvement in relationships and I want to make sure that I am the woman, wife, sister, daughter, and friend that He wants me to be. I want Him to be my priority.

5. I want to be more organized. Our house is still all-a-clutter with mess that we still haven't organized from the move. We seem to have randomly placed a few items that we never remembered to find a place for. Now I know that our house isn't going to look like something straight out of Better Homes, but you know...every little bit helps!

6. I want to loosen up a bit on life. I just want to love as many people as I can, smile all the time, and go to bed every night a happily married child of God.

Cheers to you and Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Hey goose!
    as you know, I've been slammed w/ work...BUT I have finally found a second to catch up on your blog =)
    First, I missss youuuuu!
    Second, I like your"small changes/goals" you set out...I am RIGHT THERE with you on number 2! Geesh.
    I keep saying "2011 is MY YEAR!"...and it's going to be, I refuse to stay in this slump I've been in for some time now!

    Hope to see you soon!!!
